Saving Time and Increasing Awareness with Purchase College

Case Study of 360° Tours with Purchase College
Purchase College LogoPurchase College’s Story

Purchase College, the cultural gem of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, proudly encourages its students to “think wide open.” Thriving since 1967, Purchase offers conservatory-style training in the visual and performing arts as well as programs in the liberal arts and sciences, fully embodying their slogan with an open and welcoming campus just north of New York City. The problem? They needed a better solution to properly showcase all their campus has to offer.

The Challenges Purchase College Faced

Despite its enticing campus, Purchase College was missing a fundamental element of their website—especially during the pandemic when in-person visits were off-limits—a virtual tour. Their first adoption of a virtual tour was a “homegrown” solution that required maximum time to start up and maintain, all for a low-quality final product that did not yield the analytics the college desired. Other tour solutions providers did not offer the exceptional tools or pricing that Purchase College needed.

Why Did Purchase College Choose Concept3D?

In November 2021, Purchase College launched their Concept3D 360° Tour to help increase their online presence and generate more prospective student leads. Concept3D’s comprehensive and professional 360° Tour solution allowed Purchase to increase their online tour presence and availability, not only so prospective students could view campus virtually, but get excited for an in-person tour. A bonus? Onboarding the software according to the college’s goals only took a few weeks.

How Purchase College utilized 360° Tour

With Concept3D, Purchase not only found an invested and enthusiastic team to build a relationship with, but also a solution that let them ditch the previous time-consuming and homegrown method. Thanks to our professional photography services and intuitive CMS, Purchase College expedited the photography, build, and rollout processes of their 360° Tour.

Purchase also plans to embed a Slate form in their tour to help generate leads into their marketing systems. This helps their 360° Tour serve multiple goals for both marketing and admissions.

Interested in how you can implement a 360° Tour tailored to your university’s needs?

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