PDFs and Downloadables

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PDFs and Downloadables
Image of a large group of students at a library.
2023 State of Digital Accessibility in Higher Ed
Image of a man wearing glasses looking at a laptop.
Web Accessibility Checklist
Roadmap for Improvement of Digital Accessibility
Screenshot of lines of HTML code.
5 Features to Look for When Evaluating Event CMS Software
A paper saying "Checklist" with a box checked "yes"
The Ultimate Checklist for a More Accessible Higher Ed Website
Image of an ice cream code with the ice cream starting to melt
Not as Delicious as it Sounds: an Infographic around Summer Melt
Young adult looking at her phone with earphones in her ears.
How Virtual Solutions Can Help Mitigate Summer Melt
Group of graduates tossing their caps into the air.
How to Make Commencement Day Less Stressful for everyone
Woman with a graduation cap on throwing glitter at the camera.
Checklist: How to Make Commencement Day Less Stressful for everyone
Checklist: 10 Tools to Effectively Showcase Your Data Center Online
Image of inside of a library with books going out of focus and another bookshelf behind it
How 3 Schools Battle Misconceptions About Community Colleges
Warehouse worker using a crane with a pallet of drinks on it.
5 Ways to Attract More Warehouse Job Applicants
2 people sitting at a table having an interview.
3 Ways to Stand Out During a Labor Shortage
Young male student looking at his computer in an engaged way.
5 Ways to Attract Prospective Students with Content
Male student looking at his laptop smiling with headphones in.
Connecting with the Next Generation: Engaging Gen Z
Professional women looking at her laptop in a very inquisitive manner
5 Ways Highly Skilled Applicants Evaluate Jobs
One person packs a box into a car while another person in the background also has a box.
10 Tools Universities Need for a Smooth Move-In Day
5 people working around a table putting ideas on sticky notes onto a board.
10 Tools Every Higher Ed Admissions and Marketers Need
Case Study
Shell Point Retirement Community

Shell Point Retirement Community is the largest retirement community in the State of Florida and among the largest lifecare communities in the world. They tasked Concept3D to help them create a virtual map of their huge property.

Shell Point
Seeing is believing.

See our technology come together in one seamless experience.

Seeing Is Believing