How INAP Differentiates Themselves from the Competition

Case Study of the 360º Tour with INAP
inap logoThe push for a virtual tour solution

INAP is passionate about helping its data center customers store and transfer any information they need to. When prospects visit any of the destinations in North America, Europe, and Asia, the data center warehouses sell themselves. Although COVID-19 was the push that made them realize they needed a virtual solution, the INAP team knew they needed to switch in order to keep up with the competition. That’s where Concept3D’s 360° Tour comes in.

Laptop with virtual tour screenshot.

“All that infrastructure, whether you’re leasing the servers or owning the infrastructure, runs on our optimized network, which is how INAP was founded with proprietary software.”

Mike Higgins, SVP of Sales and Marketing

INAP’s story

INAP, with destinations in North America, Europe, and Asia, is one of the few data center providers that offer private, public cloud, and colocation solutions to its customers. Their main goal is to sell space, which is what they’ve been doing.

The challenges INAP faced

50% of those who come to see the data center in person continue their business with INAP, so in-person tours are a huge win strategy. However, getting people physically into the data center was hard during COVID. Most importantly, the homegrown video tours they had were not up to par with what other data center competitors were doing.

“We couldn’t bring potential customers in there to look at the site, and nothing sells the site like a real tour.”

Greg Cash, Sr. Director, Data Center Operations

Why INAP chose Concept3D

After researching on their own, the INAP team decided on Concept3D for multiple data center locations. Concept3D’s 360° Tour had capabilities above and beyond the competitors. Enticing people to come into the data centers is INAP’s main goal, and the team loves that their 360° Tours give potential customers a detailed look into what the centers and their services look like before they even set foot there. With 360° Tour’s content management system, INAP can publish edits in real time to keep content like brand consistency up-to-date.

How INAP is using their 360º Tour

All of INAP’s tours are used to educate prospects and incite them to come to the site. As mentioned above, that’s half the battle. The INAP team consistently uses customized and branded buttons, voiceovers, and the information boxes to give as much insight as possible and strengthen their brand recognition. In the future, they’re hoping to have sales send the tour to prospects for upcoming marketing campaigns.

““Not all customers need a tour, but some do. So it’s good to be able to provide it both virtually and physically. ”

Greg Cash, Sr. Director, Data Center Operations

See the 360º Tour for yourself
Initial Results

The INAP team has noticed that people are more excited to visit the data center sites in person since implementing the 360° Tours. They’re even noticing people recognize certain voices in the tour narration when they come into the physical location.

“Anyone going through the tour gets a good understanding of what we’re featuring. Since we’ve done the tours, I’ve had more requests of people actually wanting to visit the sites.”

Lisa Lilly, Sales Enablement Manager & Project Manager

Interested in how you can implement Interactive Maps and/or a 360° Tour tailored to your data center’s needs?Request a demo
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