A Proven Recruitment Tool

Established in 1910, Bowling Green State University (BGSU) offers over 200 undergraduate programs and is comprised of eight academic colleges. Bowling Green enrolls over 17,000 students sitting on 1,300 acres of campus south of Toledo, OH. BGSU is ranked among the best 100 public schools in the U.S. by U.S. World and News Report.
Bowling GreenOutdated and Obsolete

Bowling Green State University used to distribute a PDF map that served little purpose other than displaying basic locational titles. Students and visitors lacked additional information tied to those locations, such as media, descriptions, operating hours, construction updates, and other details.

Their old campus map also came up short in attracting students to learn more about the institution. Needless to say, PDF maps serve one small purpose, while an online solution may be able to serve many. BGSU began to search for a solution that could set their school and web presence apart and represent the institution appropriately. They found Concept3D’s 3D map and software intriguing and through using Campusbird they could reach their goals.

Bowling Green

Prior to partnering with [Concept3D], Bowling Green State University’s campus map was outdated, static and lacking in functionality compared to the virtual maps of our identified competitors. [Concept3D]’s proven track record in enhancing the campus maps of colleges across the country, along with their easy-to-use and customizable map management application, are what convinced us that this was the tool we needed to really give our map a makeover.

Marketing Department, Bowling Green University

Meeting Students on Their Turf

BGSU realized the need for a solution that could both attract prospective students and serve current ones. With a large campus, an abundance of content to display, and recruiting initiatives becoming more prevalent, BGSU began looking for a platform that could meet their needs now, and in the future.

Virtual maps can use interactive campus tours or use data integrations to help bring students to your campus by bringing it alive.

Explore BGSU

In Concept3D, BGSU found a company more than willing to collaborate and solve their complex needs. From the integration of data feeds to seasonal map overlays to a dynamic content management platform, BGSU has the means to accomplish all of their goals.

Click through to BGSU’s transportation category and see how we have integrated their bus tracking system via TransLoc into their Concetp3D map for a fully immersive campus experience for visitors and students.

View The Full Map
Watch a Quick Demo of Our Interactive MapScreenshot of the first frame of our interactive map demo with Jonathan Martin with a play buttonWatch the Demo
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