Dana Adams
How to Increase Event Attendance: 14 Effective Strategies
Community, belonging, camaraderie, and connection—these are all elements that people crave (and key elements in how…
3 Must-Have Ingredients for Student Events
It’s no secret that in a post-COVID-19 world, campus community and school spirit have…
Using Your Event Calendar to Boost Recruitment
Let’s face it – most universities offer English 101 and Principles of Chemistry. When…
Differentiating Your School from the Competition
Setting yourself apart from the competition is not an easy task, but it’s worth…
Why Consistent Event Branding Is Important for Event Success
Most branding efforts are scattered because too many people are using too many platforms.
No matter…
6 Benefits of Using Calendar Widgets
How can you efficiently spread event content across your entire website?
If you’re looking into centralizing…
What To Look For When Evaluating Event CMS Software
Not all event CMS platforms are created equal.
From lead generation to customer engagement, events are…
Incorporating Data Throughout the Event Lifecycle
Localist Events Attendee Funnel lets us map the user’s journey and collect the data before, during,…
Why You Should Let Students Submit to Your Online Calendar
Check out these 3 major benefits to allow students to submit content to your calendar!
9 Ways Your Organization Can Benefit From Holding Events
You know the power of quality website content. Keeping your website event calendar chock full of interesting events…