Making a More Inclusive Campus: Idaho State University's Journey to Web Accessibility with Concept3D

Case Study of Interactive Maps with Idaho State University
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Idaho State University and Concept3D

Idaho State University (ISU), located in Pocatello, Idaho, is a public research university that serves over 12,000 students and is known for its commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. Partnering with Concept3D allowed ISU to take web accessibility to new heights with direct positive impact on students and a campus-wide shift in critical awareness.

The Challenge: Digital Accessibility Obstacles and Urgent Student Need

“We actually received a complaint and a threatened lawsuit as far as our web accessibility, so we really have tried to become more proactive since then.”

Dave Van Etten, Accessibility Consultant

Picture of Dave Vannetten inside a circle.

Idaho State University (ISU) had long struggled with accessibility issues surrounding its outdated GIS-based campus map that offered little functionality for students and visitors with disabilities. According to David Van Etten, Accessibility Consultant, the map previously in use “was pretty much non-existent” in terms of accessibility.

The primary pain point in the existing map was its inability to support screen readers and keyboard navigation, key assistive technologies for visually impaired users. Joe Marley, Web Services Manager, shared his frustrations, “The map didn’t have any labels or alt text…it was just kind of chaos.” It became evident that the current setup was not only inadequate but also a potential legal liability under ADA guidelines.

Finding an alternative solution became even more pressing when a visually impaired student filed a complaint and threatened an official lawsuit. The university leapt into action to search for a more inclusive interactive mapping platform.

Concept3D as the Leading Accessible Solution

ISU explored alternative options and ultimately chose to partner with Concept3D after discovering their deep commitment to built-in accessibility and a proactive approach to accessible product design that goes beyond compliance.

Concept3D’s Interactive Map has transformed the user experience by providing full functionality with keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers. Now, users with visual impairments can experience the Interactive Map to an equal degree and navigate campus without anxiety or difficulty.
Van Etten additionally highlighted the importance of having the map “audited” by visually impaired faculty, who tested its functionality with various assistive technologies. After extensive testing, the map received “the seal of approval” from ISU’s disability services team and a group of visually impaired users. This positive feedback reinforced ISU’s confidence in promoting the map to all students, faculty, and visitors.

“Partnering with somebody like Concept3D that already has the accessibility built in solves a huge problem for us.”

Dave Van Etten, Accessibility Consultant

Picture of Dave Vannetten inside a circle.

The backend platform that hosts Concept3D’s Interactive Map also supports accessibility with built-in options for alt-text that are easy to find and integrate.

Since adapting the Interactive Map, ISU has seen a shift in campus-wide inclusivity and awareness around accessibility which was previously less considered. Marley explained,”If you can see a website, you never think about what if I couldn’t use a mouse or see anything on the page. It doesn’t occur to you, but it’s a real problem for people.” He stressed the need to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” and applauded the university for finally taking that perspective seriously.

Staying Compliant in a Changing Regulatory Landscape

With the recent Department of Justice Title II ruling, ISU is confident that partnering with Concept3D will help them stay compliant with evolving standards. Van Etten noted that the value of choosing a vendor committed to ongoing accessibility is increasingly essential for all Higher Ed institutions.

Marley emphasized the importance of compliance in accessibility, mentioning that the risk of lawsuits makes it essential to prioritize accessible design. “It’s a valid argument—if we don’t address these issues, we risk getting sued, and that’s hard to argue against,” Marley explained.

Embracing a Proactive Approach

Unanimously, ISU recommends a proactive approach to web accessibility for peer institutions. Van Etten advised,  “You have to be proactive because you never know when you’re going to have a student or faculty member that has an accessibility concern. Having a plan in place makes that process easier.”

“It’s easier to secure funding for accessibility upfront than to face the higher costs and reputational damage of legal action.

Joe Marley, Web Services Manager

Picture of Joe Marley inside a circle.
Conclusion: A Forward-Thinking Mindset to Campus Accessibility

The partnership between Idaho State University and Concept3D has transformed the web accessibility landscape on campus, bringing significant improvements in usability and inclusivity. With Concept3D’s Interactive Map, ISU can confidently meet the needs of all visitors, knowing they’re compliant and forward-thinking in their approach to digital accessibility.

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