Data Integration: A Key Facet of Producing the Most Powerful 3D Event Map and Virtual Tour Software

Dana Adams

July 17, 2017

Bus Tracker interactive map

Data Integration: A Key Facet of Producing the Most Powerful 3D Event Map and Virtual Tour Software

Data integration is an incredible supplementary tool to boost your interactive map. Today’s digital technology allows the hospitality industry to benefit through the inputting of data from multiple sources to create thorough and engaging 3D renders and virtual walking tours. But event coordinators and event attendees need much more from their maps than to just be aesthetically pleasing. Concept3D maps already do much more than present an aesthetic, but having the ability to integrate external data will provide unparalleled utility that will help clients and of course, their customers.

By using 3rd party data feeds, hospitality businesses can ensure a better, more functional experience. The Data Integration feature from concept3D will allow their maps to become more impactful than they’ve ever been before. 

Custom data integration enhances event experiences

Convention centers, hotels, concert halls and hospitals are a few service providers among many that can benefit from the functionality of data integration. In the case of convention centers, hotels or concert halls, the downside of hosting major events can often be the impact of having a high volume of people traveling to and congregating at one single location. In order to mitigate the impact of traffic, congestion on guests and attendees concept3D enables one to show public transportation schedules or live feeds of the event space as part of the interactive map. In the case of hospitals, patrons are often in a situation of emergency, and would also benefit from knowing the status of traffic to plan the best route. The data that concept3D is able to integrate into their maps is quite diverse and not limited to the aforementioned examples.


Data integration boasts inward-facing function as well 

Esri provides the benefits of highly analytic and detail oriented mapping software. Esri can be used to map traffic patterns, garbage pickup, construction schedules, but they often lack the visuals aspects that concept3D is notorious for. By incorporating the depth of Esri capabilities into 3D interactive maps, you can now use one single map that can be used to show off your campus to the public but can also be used internally to manage your facilities. While this doesn’t directly translate to a positive user impression, but it helps the hospitality industry help itself in so many new ways.

To learn more about how C3D is working with Esri – click here

Adding too much information to an interactive mapping platform has the potential to saturate the platfrom in a way that doesn’t help clients or the customer. C3D’s platform gives clients the ability to show what they want and withhold what they don’t, resulting in the most powerful interactive maps that are still well-balanced.

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