Recently, Concept3D completed a full rebrand. As a part of these changes – and based on how clients use our platform – the website is now segmented into two primary areas: Share Your Place and Support Your Business.
Let’s dive a little deeper into the two main ways we serve our clients.
Share Your Place – If they can’t come to you, bring your space to them
Share Your Place profiles one or more physical locations online and makes it easy for audiences to explore, find information and get around your space. This approach not only benefits potential customers of the business, but also has internal company benefits as well.
Within our technology, you can create virtual tours and interactive 3D maps to help users understand your space. Choosing from either a VR-enabled 360° Tour or a Map Tour, our clients create immersive reality experiences that show their audience where and why they need to be there.
You can also transform any ordinary map into 2D and 3D interactive guides, showing off your location’s unique features and benefits. These strong visual assets improve a user’s online experience and can be used to inform future investors and stakeholders of upcoming opportunities and on-site events.
These tours and maps not only benefit your audience, but bring your marketing and sales experience to a whole new level. Say goodbye to static presentations and hello to interactive materials that will help your business grow. For example, do you need to make it easy to understand how a company or group of entities fall under a brand? Build a custom logo map. You will eliminate doubt, and you’re one step closer to a lasting business relationship.
The Share Your Place approach can also be used for internal education and job training within your company. Concept3D maps and tours will help decrease employee learning and training times, and can boost employee retention. Because every situation can be accurately visualized and made real, your planning and decision-making within the company will improve.
This platform is ideal for universities, hospitals, healthcare centers, convention centers, event venues, hotels, real estate, resorts and so many other industries. If your business involves someone being at your location or moving from one place to another, then Concept3D has a lot to offer.
Support Your Business – Build and manage content, data and your business in an interactive, 3D world.
Take advantage of communication in multiple dimensions with our Support Your Business platform. Internal communication is vital when it comes to running a successful business, and with the help of Concept3D, you and your team can communicate more effectively. Our mapping tours, content management system and data integrations are tools that allow employees to efficiently maintain and manage operations, design unique solutions for customers and improve quality and control cost.
In a world of augmented and virtual reality, our Internet of Things (IoT) tool helps you leverage next-generation technology to better visualize data and improve the customer experience. For example, the platform makes it possible to combine 3D models, mapping and real-time video with sensor data to unlock the potential of IoT implementation. You also can increase customer loyalty with interactive virtual tours, enable automation for industrial enterprises, and optimize inventory logistics and space utilization in warehousing.
Geovisualization is where GIS, interactive mapping and 3D rendering come together. It is the ultimate understanding of a physical location where you can map any space in 2D or 3D and gain insights into how people interact with the space. Whether you are monitoring assets in transit, using map visualization, deciding the best way to avoid congested traffic or choosing where to construct a multi-use building, Concept3D’s geovisualization provides the insight you need to make informed decisions.
With Concept3D, internal space planning becomes a breeze. You can radically simplify, speed up and allow for more creativity in space design for strategic event planning, sale innovation and space optimization. Our mapping is also perfect for data center configuration, letting IT professionals virtually configure rack layouts, cage and suite designs, cooling infrastructure and power distribution.
With asset tracking, you can pinpoint the location of any asset delivering sensor data to a network, whether it’s fixed or mobile, with live data feeds integrated into a custom interactive map. Our software allows monitoring positions of everything from vehicles and heavy equipment to moving organs from one hospital to another.
The best way to get a feel for how the Concept3D platform works is to check out the case studies on our website, and get in touch with a member of our team for a friendly, no-strings attached discussion.
We are excited to help transform your business into an interactive and successful digital presence that works for you and your customers.