Summer travel is in full swing, which means it’s go-time for the travel, hospitality, and entertainment industries. Airports are crowded, hotels are booked, and there are long lines at amusement parks and other major tourist destinations.
But there’s a lot of competition as well, particularly among resorts and hotels. So how can you stand out? Immersive virtual tour experiences can help.
With all of this extra foot traffic, your company needs to have top-notch support and customer service – and an immersive experience can help. By providing a host of important information to your visitors, customizable 3D maps and virtual tours can be used as a one-stop place for your customers to find out what to do, when to do it, and how to get there.
Airports are filled with new and experienced travelers alike. Whether someone is catching their third flight of the month and they are looking for a coffee to get them through the morning, or a less-experienced traveler is just trying to find their gate, a user-friendly interactive map can make any travel experience easier.
The Concept3D platform was built to help physical locations of any size bring their space into the digital world in a useful, fun and easy to navigate way. Airports can benefit significantly with interactive maps, helping people find their way around, locate vendors, restrooms, kiosks and the best place to plug in their devices for the always necessary power-up.
Long lines in airports often occur simply because passengers may not know there are other, more efficient options. The Concept3D system can display real-time data and video feeds so people can see that one security line is shorter than another one, that their gate has moved and how to get to the new one, and that Starbucks is now offering 15% off a Pink Drink. There is no limit to the data that can be integrated to help passengers, and this is especially true as more and more people wear devices like the Apple Watch with haptic sensors that help with directions on the go.
These seemingly small updates can significantly improve the passenger experience.
With the growing popularity of Airbnb along with the already crowded hotel industry, customers have so many choices when it comes to picking out where to stay during their vacation. Make your hotel stand out with a virtual tour and interactive 3D map that goes beyond showing your best room to giving potential customers a deep dive that gets them excited to stay with you, and come back again. Either as part of the virtual tour or an interactive map, it’s simple to highlight nearby parking, restaurants and amenities as well.

Amusement Parks and Resorts
Right now amusement parks and resorts are filled with people in the heat of the summer, which means lines are long and the probability of getting lost in the crowds is higher. Having a map is crucial in this environment, especially a mobile-friendly map that can be pulled up on one’s phone at any time.
Interactive 3D maps make your customer experience even more enjoyable. Visitors can visually track their path to their favorite ride, find the nearest concessions, gift stores, and anything else that they need Amusement parks are supposed to be a day of fun, with interactive maps and virtual tours, visitors will spend more time having fun and less time looking for things.
Regardless of the size of your space – from massive Disney theme parks to a boutique hotel – an immersive experience powered by a virtual tour or interactive map can make a big difference, and provide an easier and more memorable time.