9 Workshop Ideas to Engage New Students During Orientation Week

Christian Batarseh

August 12, 2024

College trying new workshops ideas for new student orientation across campus

Orientation week is an exciting time that invites incoming students to kick off their college experience. New student orientation serves many different purposes: social, academic, administrative, and logistic. It’s important to have a clear plan so that participants can move smoothly between events, learn about campus resources, make new friends, and feel prepared for their first year as college students. These workshop ideas for new student orientation will help make your planning go smoothly.

The Importance of Workshops During Orientation Week

There is a lot to learn about college life. First-time students need to know:

  • How to navigate the college campus
  • Where to find resources to help them succeed
  • How to find their place in the social fabric of the school

Orientation week offers an opportunity for staff and faculty to serve as orientation leaders who can each bring forward their own information sessions. New student orientation programs that are interactive and engaging will be more memorable and effective.

Participation in workshops early in the orientation week provides an opportunity for icebreakers. These introductory activities foster a sense of community and provide essential skills. When students feel welcome and prepared, they’re much more likely to seek out resources and ask questions. That’s why it’s so vital to focus on the right workshop ideas for new student orientation.

9 Workshop Ideas for Engaging Students During Orientation

Are you looking for workshop ideas for new student orientation? These nine options will help you launch with a first day built around camaraderie and community. They work through in-person experiences that will set your students up with the information they need to have an amazing first semester—and beyond.

1. Campus Navigation Workshop 

Many of your students will be coming from high school situations where they didn’t have to navigate a large campus environment or multiple buildings for classes and resources. Campus tours are a great starting point for familiarizing students with the navigation, but making it interactive will have an even greater impact.

Consider scavenger hunts that involve students moving through key locations, including the dining halls, residence halls, classrooms, administrative buildings, and on-campus resources. You should also throw in some fun facts about campus history and showcase key spaces for recreation and socialization.

This scavenger hunt can give students a hands-on reason to use your interactive campus map. Having a clear, centralized tool to use for navigation will help students feel connected even as their needs and experiences change over the years they’ll spend at your school.

2. Academic Skills Workshop 

One of the primary goals of orientation activities should be to prepare incoming first-year students for success. As Inside Higher Ed reports, direct instruction in study skills is particularly important for first-generation college students. But this theme of workshop ideas for new student orientation can benefit all students.

Bring in student leaders and staff from campus resources to lead small group workshops in time management, note-taking, and study skills.

This is also a great time to hand out some school-branded swag, such as highlighters, planners, and organizers. Give your students helpful study tools with a school spirit boost.

3. College Budgeting Workshop 

New students will need to adjust to campus life in many ways, and that includes financial management. Students will need to learn how to:

  • Control their finances
  • Make sure that they’re fulfilling all financial aid requirements
  • Create budgets for their spending habits

One workshop idea for new student orientation is budgeting. This orientation activity can include tutorials and interactive projects that give students hands-on practice.

As CNBC reports, many aspects of budgeting will be brand new for most incoming students who haven’t had to manage their own expenses in the past. New students living on their own for the first time will benefit from some help in understanding their expenses and planning their spending.

You can add fun and friendly competition by including a trivia component. Quiz students on the terminology and financial principles they learn during the workshop.

4. Financial Aid Workshop 

Many incoming students will need financial aid help to understand the full impact of their college costs over the course of their time at the college. While many first-year students will have financial aid for their first year, they must be aware of deadlines, financial aid options, application processes, and more to maximize their ongoing financial support.

Utilize the experts on your staff to run information sessions about financial aid opportunities and important campus procedures. Having your staff present will also make them familiar faces for students to go to with questions and financial aid needs.

5. Selecting a Major/Minor Workshop 

University implementing small-group workshops ideas for new student orientation

Some incoming students will be certain about their future goals, but many will benefit from a thorough exploration of their higher education possibilities. You can use orientation week to help students explore their major and minor options.

As Forbes reports, there are multiple components to choosing an academic path. Questions about students’ strengths, interests, and future goals lend themselves to small group workshops and hands-on activities.

You can include a student panel with upper-level students discussing their major selection process. You can also have faculty representatives from different fields explain what coursework looks like in their discipline to give students a deeper dive.

6. Career Exploration Workshop 

Your incoming students are embarking on a major life shift that puts them on a clear trajectory toward their career goals. Help them understand those goals more fully with a career exploration workshop as part of college orientation.

There are many ways to approach a career exploration option. You could opt for a large-scale seminar that discusses career exploration in general. Alternatively, you could set up booths with representatives from different careers as a career exploration fair.

You could also create smaller workshop opportunities aimed at individual fields. Give deeper dives into career paths, job market trends, and future plans exclusively for majors within that field. This would provide more curated discussions and opportunities for students in the same field to make new friends with shared career interests.

7. Networking and Professional Etiquette 

Another important skill your incoming students will want to develop is professional etiquette. If you’re looking for workshop ideas for new student orientation, a networking and professional etiquette lesson should be on the list.

These workshops teach students important life skills to help them:

  • Build professional relationships
  • Network effectively
  • Practice proper professional etiquette in an in-person and supportive environment

Also, consider workshops tailored for international students who need to familiarize themselves with American professional customs. These can serve as icebreakers, allowing international students to connect with one another and explore their shared experiences.

This is a great time to invite current students to help run skits, share their experiences, and role-play as career professionals to give incoming students hands-on practice.

8. Wellness Workshop 

Setting your new students up for success means considering their physical and mental well-being in addition to their academic needs. A wellness event should be among your workshop ideas for new student orientation.

This event can include stress management tips, exploration of on-campus wellness resources, yoga sessions, and more. This is also a great time to bring in icebreakers. Help students get to know one another and start making new friends.

This event easily pairs with socializing goals. Dedicating a day of your welcome week to a wellness fair with fun social events can help you reach many goals at once.

9. International Study Abroad Workshop 

As your incoming students consider their college experience more broadly, this is a great time to introduce international study abroad opportunities. Dedicating an orientation workshop to this topic will catch students when they’re engaged and excited about the future. It will also help them build their plans around their college bucket lists.

This workshop should include existing opportunities, application procedures, and the benefits of gaining international experience. Be sure to include plenty of pictures, videos, and other vibrant representations of the experiences your study abroad students enjoy.

A student panel with those who have previously traveled abroad can help students understand the benefits of gaining international experience more clearly. Build in a Q&A so that incoming students can interact directly with those who have experienced studying abroad.

Make Campus Navigation a Breeze With Concept3D

Student orientation week is an important opportunity for making a lasting, positive impression on your incoming students. They’ll remember the new friends they’ve made and the lessons they’ve learned for years to come. So, make sure you provide them with plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with their new campus and student life. Any of these workshop ideas for new student orientation can help you make the week memorable.

As you offer a wide variety of student orientation activities, students will be moving around campus. It’s crucial that they feel connected and informed. Choosing an interactive campus map solution from Concept3D can ensure your orientation sessions are easy to navigate.

With integrated campus map solutions from Concept3D, students can easily access the entire campus and explore schedule details and accessibility information.

Learn more about the features of a Concept3D interactive map, and schedule a demonstration today.

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