When you market your resort, you likely have a very specific goal in mind: transport your audience to your location. You want to allow them to imagine themselves right there, vacationing and relaxing. How can 3D rendering show off the beauty of your resort?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, that goal has only become more essential. Resorts everywhere had to bide their time in attracting guests, operating under limited capacities while waiting until conditions normalize until guests could imagine themselves traveling.
Visual marketing is essential to achieving that virtual feeling of transportation. There are fewer brilliant visual tactics than 3D renderings.
In fact, the right 3D-rendered graphics can bring your resort to life. They create a virtual connection so immersive, the only thing better is being there. In this post, we’ll examine the many ways in which 3D renderings can show off the best your resort has to offer.

What is 3D Rendering?
3D rendering is a three-dimensional, digital representation of a physical space. That rendering is hyper-realistic, meaning it’s much more than a line drawing or graphical representation. Instead, it looks almost like a photograph, but with the many benefits of digitally-created images.
Those renderings are created via specialized software, using a number of sources:
- Satellite imagery
- Google Maps StreetView
- 3D mapping
- On-the-ground photography
- Digitized floor plans
These renderings are then plugged directly into various content homes. The result is a more controlled, but realistic digital depiction of your hotel.
1) Showcase Your Physical Hotel in the Digital Space
Let’s begin with the basics. Through the process of 3D renderings, you can transform anything from photos to architectural drawings into complex 3D buildings. These models are about as close to real life as it gets. That, in turn, allows your audience to immerse themselves into your space digitally.
Render photographs of your hotel, and you can use it effectively in a number of spaces. On social media, it becomes a showcase of both the exterior and important interior areas. In other words, your renderings can make a major difference, even if you’re just using them to showcase basic areas like your hotel’s exterior, lobby, or guest rooms.
2) Highlight Areas that Distinguish Your Resort from the Competition
No resort is the same. Yours might be preferred among families, fitness geeks, or spa goers. Virtual renderings allow you to show off the spaces that make your hotel just the right destination for your target audience. That might include:
- Fitness area
- Restaurants and eateries
- Pool area
- Leisure activities, such as an internal spa or casino
- Conference rooms and spaces
- Shopping and store areas
Each of them help make your resort stand out. Each of them can be represented visually to maximize their effect in trying to attract guests to your facilities.
3) Allow Your Conference Venue to Shine and Help Event Planners Plan
With 3D renderings, you can go far beyond static images to help event planners and conference organizers plan ahead. Beyond the general availability of space, they’ll want (and need) to know about capacity for the venue. This includes different opportunities to set up the space, areas to serve breakfast and snacks, and areas for socializing.
Sure, you can explain some of that information through text. The better option, though, is to showcase your conference spaces through visuals. Interactive visuals that offer an accurate overview of the actual, physical area are the best choice.
More advanced features allow you to take your 3D rendering even further. Integrated with the right interactive tools, they turn into dynamic planning tools specifically designed to help your audience plan and organize the space according to their needs. By the time they’re ready to book, they’re convinced yours is the perfect space.
4) Eliminate Unforeseen Variables in Showcasing Your Space
Every venue looking to showcase its space has run into a common problem: On the day the photographer is scheduled, the weather is awful. The clouds are just in the wrong spot, and a clear night sky would work that much better to showcase the outside pool. Effective venue photography, in other words, is entirely dependent on items outside your control.
That’s not the case with 3D renderings. Quite the opposite, in fact. After all, the weather and exterior lighting is just one more virtual component that can be created and manipulated as needed.
That, in turn, allows for a number of possibilities to show off your resort. It might be as simple as showing the exterior of the hotel on a perfect, sunny day. Of course, you might also want to show the sunset view from your terrace. You can even build in unique effects, like a reflection on your windows to create that little bit of extra visual appeal to attract your audience.
5) Preview Future Additions and Guest Opportunities
Renderings, of course, are not just about what exists at your resort right now. By virtue of being created digitally, they have the potential to preview the future, showcasing new spaces that don’t even physically exist yet. That, in turn, has the potential for significant benefits for any forward-thinking resort.
Let’s face it: many trips are planned months ahead of time. That important family vacation, or that signature industry conference, is an event that your audience starts thinking about long before they actually arrive in the lobby. Through 3D renderings, you can effectively preview future additions to your hotel, showing off new opportunities for guests considering the trip.
That ‘new space’ might be a fitness center renovation. It might be a re-imagining of your hotel front. You might be adding new villas to your hotel property for more private experiences. As potential guests plan their future trip, they’ll be interested in these new features, especially if they might be ready by the time of the visit.
6) Add Other Media to Your Image for Deeper Immersion
The beauty of 3D renderings, as we’ve hinted at above, also goes into how (and where) they’re integrated within your digital strategy. On a virtual tour platform, for instance, you’re able to add various layers that add more interactive, engaging elements that drive potential resort guests through the sales funnel.
Some of these elements include:
- Supplemental images and videos that dig deeper into the visual highlighted on the rendering.
- Hyperlinks that lead to more content-heavy supplemental materials within your website.
- Visual call-outs that encourage visitors to take that next step toward booking a stay at your resort.
The ease of placing these layers is increased when building renderings through the same partner as your virtual tour, where they can find a natural home. But that’s not the only spot where it’s relevant. Any platform that allows you to add supplemental media can be helpful in creating the same type of effect.
7) Integrate Your Renderings on Your Digital Map
Finally, your virtual tour is far from the only opportunity to cross-integrate your 3D renderings. Your digital map, in fact, might be just as relevant of an opportunity, if you can get the integration right.
It starts with creating renderings from the photographs or model as needed, which is possible both for both internal and external footage. The renderings can then be converted to images compatible with digital maps, including the ability to correctly calibrate zoom levels, micro locations, etc.
You can integrate any of the above-mentioned renderings in this way. Enhance your resort map with renderings of individual buildings, or allow audiences to zoom into detailed representations of your specific spaces. It’s a comprehensive undertaking, but can significantly improve user experience in the process.
How to Build 3D Renderings that Show Off Your Resort
Put succinctly, three-dimensional renderings of your resort spaces can help to show off your physical space in a wide range of ways. Especially when physical interactions are limited, these renderings can play a major role in enhancing your marketing efforts, providing compelling and immersive visuals to an audience starved for them.
Of course, this is not a tactic anyone can execute on their own. Building these renderings requires specialized software and a significant amount of expertise. For most resorts, outsourcing tends to be the most realistic choice when integrating this tactic into their larger strategy.
Outsourcing, in turn, only makes sense if you can find a reliable partner with both expertise and experience not just in 3D renderings, but executing them within the resort and hospitality space as a whole.
That’s where Concept3D comes in. We can help you create a wide range of 3D renderings for your resort, all with the same underlying goal: to show off your resort and convert potential visitors into future guests. Contact us today to start the conversation.