About Concept3D

Concept3D solutions marry art and science in highly detailed, interactive 3D renderings that breathe life into the digital world.

Founded in 2006, Concept3D is a leader in creating immersive online experiences with interactive mapvirtual tours, and branded event calendars. Our products include an online experience platform developed to support marketing, sales and business processes in a countless number of industries. We support our customers with services to help them use our software effectively, and by building renderings, interactive maps and virtual tours they can use to operate more efficiently and increase revenue.

Our Values

We define ourselves through the values by which we operate:

  • Be community minded (listen) – We leave our egos at the door when searching for the best ideas. We make time to help colleagues. We treat people with respect, independent of their status or disagreements.
  • Create Trust Through Open Communication (speak) – We speak truth to power. Ask anything, answer everything. We question action inconsistent with our values. We can be vulnerable and trusting in the face of uncertainty.
  • Take time to grow, grow together (act) – We advance through the company we build and the problems we solve. We ask for forgiveness, not permission. We are biased towards action. We don’t give up if the first few attempts at success fail. We allow constraints to focus our attention and drive efficiency.
  • Strive to amaze (amaze) – We go the extra mile for our customers and each other.
  • Teamwork unites us (teamwork) – Combining our unique skills, perspectives and experiences allows us to reach our goals. We truly consider the opinions of others.
  • Fill the glass (optimism) – We see opportunity in everything. You can control your outlook and attitude. Be a contributor.
Meet the Concept3D Team
Smiling face Gordon PortraitPout face old Gordon Portrait
Gordon Boyes
Headshot of Carlos Perez PortraitCarlos Perez goofy Portrait
Carlos Perez
Zack wearing black shirtZack wrinkled face with white shirt
Zack Mertz
VP of Customer Operations
Jill BobrickJill holdng toy and playing
Jill Bobrick
Head of Product
Sam Portrait with open hairSam Portrait with open hair
Sam Slater
Sr. Director of Revenue Ops & Sales Dev
Smiling face of Courtney PlaceCourtney stuck out tongue
Courtney Conover
Head of Client Success
Tim Portrait with white beardTim is laughing with his teeth out

Tim Wiedeman

VP of Sales – Corporate
Jerrick Portrait in white shirtJerrick Portrait in white shirt
Jerick Togami
GM of FlippedApp
Messy-haired Carolyn PortraitCarolyn funny face expression Portrait
Carolyn Hushek
Director of Sales, Higher Ed
Small eyes Scott with wrinkled faceFunny Scott with wrinkled face
Scott Nicholls
VP of Software Engineering
Portrait of Dave MartinPortrait of Dave Martin with rock sign hand gestures
Dave Martin
Sales Director
Wrinkled face Josh PortraitWrinkled face Josh Portrait
Josh Darnell
Head of Marketing
Tim C smilling portraitPortrait of Tim being silly
Tim Carlson
VP of Business Development
Taryn Watson with short hairTaryn Watson with short hair
Taryn Watson
Director of Executive Operations
Shiro Portrait with side hairstyleSiro Hatori funny face with cap
Shiro Hatori
Director of Demand Generation
Jared smiling face with upright earsBoy running with big pencil
Jared Johnston
Design Manager
Steve has a small dimple on his cheekSteve drinking something in cup
Steve Janisch
Senior Designer
Nissa portrait with open hairNissa with black face cat
Nissa Sobieski
Senior Designer
Noah printed shirt with glassesNoah using phone portrait
Noah Couet
Senior Designer
Long neck David portraitDavid portrait down on side
David Duea
Senior Designer
Emerson portrait with shirt or tieEmerson half face portrait
Emerson Stepp
3D Specialist
Tat smilingg face PortraitPortrait of Tat holding camera
Andrew Tat
Product Manager
Shane Gustman in check shirtShane Gustman in check shirt
Josh Coyle
Sr Software Engineer
Big beard & bald head MichaelMichael's face looks funny
Michael Kovacic
Software Engineer
Smart Levi portrait with smileLevi has one eyebrow raised
Levi Miller
Software Engineer
Men image with white backgroundMen image with white background
Chris Vetrano
Portrait of Matt smiling brightlyPortrait of Matt smiling brightly
Matt Kline
Junior Software Engineer
Smiling face Julianna' s PortraitPortrait of Julianna with cat
Julianna Goldring
Director of Marketing
Smiling face Portrait of the KasiaKasia Portrait with thumps up pose
Kasia Whiteis
Marketing Manager
Portrait of Mikey with big smileMikey Davis with a dog face
Michael Davis
Digital Marketing Strategist
Portrait of Megan ElvrumMegan Elvrum looking at a laptop
Megan Elvrum
Business Operations Manager
Men with a sweet smiling faceMen with a sweet smiling face
Andy Marshall
Head of Support and Education
Long face Elizabeth EkelundLong face Elizabeth Ekelund
Elizabeth Ekelund
Client Success Manager
Daniel attractive dimples faceDaniel holding ears with his hands
Daniel Sarché
Client Success Manager
JaredGlass image with vibrant backgroundJaredGlass image with vibrant background
Jared Glass
Client Success Manager
Portrait of Nikki Clayton smilingNikki Clayton with ski gear on
Nikki Clayton
Client Success Manager
Aged Jeff Portrait with smileAged Jeff Portrait with smile
Jeff Harwood
Partner Consultant
Jonathan Portrait with small eyesSleeping pose Jonathan Portrait
Jonathan Martin
Partner Consultant
Lucas Brewer making a "W" with his hands and putting it in his mouth.
Lucas Brewer
Partner Consultant
Portrait of old aged DanaPortrait of old aged Dana
Dana Adams
Partner Consultant
Christian Portrait with Sparkling eyesFunny face Portrait of Christian
Christian Batarseh
Partner Consultant
Smiling portrait of RyanRyan making a funny face
Ryan Balfour
FlippedApp Account Executive
Big fat face Portrait of MaxPortrait of Max looking ponderous
Max Kostrach
Partner Consultant
Cassie Fay
Cassie Fay
Partner Consultant
Shamell's portrait with vibrant backgroundShamell's portrait with vibrant background
Shamell Forbes
Partner Consultant
Image of Travis Bondy with glassesImage of Travis Bondy with glasses
Travis Bondy
FlippedApp Account Executive
Young Caroline Casual PortraitYoung Caroline Casual Portrait
Caroline Needles
Partner Consultant
Claire RayesClaire Rayes Laughing
Claire Rayes
 Partner Consultant
Alan SpiraAlan Spira
Alan Spira
Partner Consultant
Kalli Bass
Partner Consultant
Glowing face Bre's PortraitGlowing face Bre's Portrait
Bre Lawman
Partner Development Specialist
Portrait of Krystan with long hairPortrait of Krystan being silly
Krystan White
Partner Development Specialist
Portrait of Tuarai with flat hairPortrait of Tuarai with AI face
Tuarai Girard
Partner Operations Analyst
Brittany ThompsonBrittany Thompson with a pondering face
Brittany Thompson
Partner Development Specialist
Samantha FarleySamantha Farley
Samantha Farley
Partner Development Specialist
Aaron DollarhideAaron Dollarhide
Aaron Dollarhide
Partner Development Specialist
Matthew GiannellaMatthew Giannella
Matthew Giannella
Partner Development Specialist
Higher Education Roots

Today, our digital mapping platform is used numerous industries from warehousing to data centers, resorts to hospitals. But the platform – the software behind Concept3D and our VR tours – started through partnership with our higher education clients. Together, we developed a platform called CampusBird. Today, the features and functionality of CampusBird have been combined into one platform, so all industries can benefits from all innovations. That platform is Concept3D.

Shell Point google map
Seeing is believing.

See our technology come together in one seamless experience.

Custom Map software virtual reality